Thomas Albdorf

1982 in Linz, OÖ geboren
2002-05 Grafikdesign und Kommunikations, Collage, Goethestrasse 17, Linz, Oberösterreich
Mehrjährige Tätigkeit als Grafikdesigner und Art Director
2008-13 Studium Transmediale Kunst (bei Brigitte Kowanz), Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien
2013 Diplom
Vorstellung in Magazinen und Blogs wie dem FOAM Magazine, British Journal of Photography,
It's Nice That, Phaidon UK und Computer Arts. 
Lebt und arbeitet in Wien
Ausstellungen (Auswahl)
2019 Thomas Albdorf "Mirror Mirror", Museum Fjolkwang, Essen, Deutschland (solo)
  On Earth, Arles-Imaging, Technology and the Natural World, Atelier des Forges, Arles, Frankreich
  New Flesh, Light Factory, Charlotte, USA; Landschaft /Peisaj, Galeria Posibilia, Bucharest, 
2018 Thomas Albdorf "Room With a View", FOAM, Amsterdam, Niederlande (solo)
  Recommended, Freie Akademie der Künste Hamburg, Deutschland; Recommended, 
  Fotoforum Frankfurt, Deutschland
2017 Thomas Albdorf "General View", Webber Gallery Space, London, UK (solo)
  Thomas Albdorf "General View", DELI Gallery, NY, USA (solo)
  Perfect Storm, NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf, Deutschland; Look Up At The Sky - Geologies, Arts
  Visuals Terrassa, Terrassa, Spanien; matter and lightness, Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Wien
2016 Land Forms (curated by Tate Shaw and Gregory Eddi Jones), Visual Studies Workshop, NY, USA;
  A Great Sum (In Parts), Osnova Gallery, Moskau, RU; New Flesh, Rubber Factory, NY, USA;
  High Summer, Foley Gallery, NY, USA; 66e édition de l'exposition Jeune Création, Galerie 
  Thaddaeus Ropac Pantin, Paris, Frankreich; Feira Plana, Museum for Image and Sound (MIS), 
  Sao Paulo, Brasilien
2015 Thomas Albdorf "When Rainbows Melt Into Hills", DELI Gallery, NY, USA (solo); Thomas Albdorf 
  "Oh Fail, You Beaty", Fotogalerie Wien, Wien (solo); Thomas Albdorf "Former Writer: Colour on 
  Surface", Platform Gallery, Seattle WA, USA (solo);  Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale, 
  Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano, Italien; Current Obsessions (curated by Wandering Bears), Webber
  Gallery Space, London, UK; Mimic (curated by Paddy Johnson and Marsha Owett), Air
  Circulation, NY, USA; So What, Doomed Gallery, London, UK; The Longest Nose, Mauve Offspace, 
  Wien; Spring, Kunstverlag Wolfrum, Wien; Photography (curated by Diego Diez), Re-View, 
  Cordoba, Spanien
Preise, Auszeichnungen und Stipendien (Auswahl)
2013 Ö1 Finalist - Talent Grant Fine Art
2014 nominiert vom British Jounrnal of Photography - selected as one of 30 international photo-
  graphers to waatch in 2014: "One's to Watch 2014"
  Austrian ministery for Arts and Culture - Starting grant art photography
2016 Gewinner des UNSEEN Amsterdam Talent Award
  ARTE Creative Preis - Portfolio Review Düsseldorf
  FOAM Paul Huf Award - nominiert
2017 Recommended Olympus Fellowship